
Our Mission

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Giver of Mercy.

We are a group of Muslims in central Virginia who are working together to create more inclusive spaces within which to worship the Divine. We are committed to creating accessible, safe spaces and growing our deen together, inshallah. Allah loves those who are fair and just.

As part of our mission, we have a commitment to providing a space that is safe, inclusive, and affirming of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Come As You Are

We are a judgment-free zone that welcomes all types of people. We are also welcoming of curious non-Muslims, people who are exploring, born but lapsed Muslims, and converts. We accept Sunnis, Shias, Ahmadiyyas, Sufis, Progressive Muslims, Quranists, and all who come to worship together.

We discuss the Quran, Islamic books, seerah and stories of sahaba, Arabic, and prayer. We also socialize, laugh, go on trips, volunteer, and have fun. Join us if you would like an Islamic community that is safe, open-minded, fun, friendly, and judgment-free.

Some of our members speak Arabic or Spanish, if English as a second language is a concern.

While we are predominantly a Muslim group, we are open to networking with other organizations on service, charity, or interfaith projects.